Defensive Revolver

FAS founder Marty Hayes has been coaxed out of retirement to teach these revolver specific classes. Marty is a NRA Revolver Master, an IDPA Revolver Master, a "Master Blaster" with a revolver in bowling pin shooting, and has won numerous shooting matches competing with a revolver. Additionally, he carried a revolver full time in police work for 10 years. Once he quit teaching firearms, he started to conceal carry a revolver full time again.

Topics of Instruction include:

  • Carry and maintenance of revolvers
  • Revolver manipulation
  • Tactical and speed reloads
  • Three different types of trigger manipulations
  • Draw stroke
  • Accuracy from 3-50 yards
  • Multiple shots/multiple targets
  • Shooting competency drills

Prerequisite: Level 2: Defensive Handgun or higher


Equipment List:

  1. Modern double action revolver (38 SPL Preferred)
  2. Three speedloaders, speed strips, full moon clips or a combination; more is better
  3. A quality belt holster with covered trigger guard
  4. 350 rounds of full metal jacket (FMJ) or jacketed hollow point (JHP) ammunition
  5. Ear protection and wrap-around safety glasses (eye protection)
  6. A billed baseball cap
  7. Your sack lunch and beverages

Event Information

Event Date 09-20-2025 9:00 am
Event End Date 09-20-2025 5:00 pm
Cut Off Date 09-19-2025 11:55 pm
Individual Price $250.00
Location Firearms Academy Range

Venue Information - Firearms Academy Range

Please note that this is a private range.  There is no public access, other than for scheduled classes / events.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for driving directions, information about the range, or lodging recommendations.

Registration Policy