Level 2: Defensive Shotgun

Many myths surround the combat shotgun. This eight hour course will dispel these myths, replacing them with the correct knowledge and skills necessary to use the shotgun for self-defense or law enforcement duty.

In addition to learning the operation of the shotgun and correct shooting techniques, students will "pattern" their shotgun, understand the penetration potential of the various types of shotgun ammunition and practice shooting from behind cover and at multiple targets. Students will see the accuracy potential of the shotgun, along with understanding how shot patterning effects the tactical use of the shotgun in self defense and hostage situations.

$50 discount for retakes. Must register by phone to receive discount.

Prerequisite: This is a Level 2 class. Please consult the course descriptions for the Level 1: Intro to Shotgun course before enrolling. While students are welcome to start their training here at FAS in level two, they must have a firm grasp and understanding of the curriculum of our level one courses.

Defensive Shotgun Equipment List

  1. 12 gauge or 20 gauge shotgun with full length or adjustable stock. No pistol grip only stocks.
  2. 150 rounds lead bird shot minimum. If you are using a pump shotgun, buy inexpensive low-brass birdshot. If you are using a semi-auto shotgun, your ammunition must have enough power to cycle the gun, which may require high brass field loads for birdshot. We do not stock shotgun ammunition, so please make sure your ammo will cycle your semi-auto shotgun before you come to class.
  3. 5 rounds of defensive buckshot for patterning (10 recommended)
  4. 20 rounds non-magnum buckshot (not required, but recommended. Birdshot can be used)
  5. 10 rounds of slugs (15+ recommended)
  6. Ear protection, wrap-around safety glasses (eye protection) and a brimmed ball cap.
  7. Notebook and pen
  8. Please bring a sack lunch and beverages--we will eat during classroom lecture.
Event Event Date Event End Date Individual Price Register
Level 2: Defensive Shotgun 06-07-2025 9:00 am 06-07-2025 5:00 pm $250.00
Level 2: Defensive Shotgun 10-19-2025 9:00 am 10-19-2025 5:00 pm $250.00

Venue Information - Firearms Academy Range

Please note that this is a private range.  There is no public access, other than for scheduled classes / events.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for driving directions, information about the range, or lodging recommendations.

Registration Policy