Please read the class description and prerequisites carefully and confirm your schedule before completing this online purchase, which constitutes your class registration. Registering for an F.A.S. class constitutes an agreement to attend the class in which you enroll.
After your class confirmation letter is sent, tuition payments are not refundable, but those funds may be applied to a future class with at least one week’s advanced notification. Emergencies are handled on a case-by-case basis. Call with questions 360-978-6100 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Tuesday-Friday or email
(Starting Point Class) - Defensive Handgun is the required pre-req for Level 3 Tac Handgun, Level 3 Active Shooter, and the Handgun Special Interest Seminars. (See Full List)
The time to learn to use your personal trauma kit is not when you or someone else is bleeding out!!! When life expectancy is measured in seconds and help is minutes away, will you know what to do? In our uncertain lives, that is a question that we all need to be able to answer a resounding, “Yes!” to. Dark Angel Medical, LLC, is proud to offer training and instruction in the use of the D.A.R.K. The Direct Action Response Training** fills a niche between military self-aid/buddy care training and civilian EMS training and is geared towards those with little to no medical training or background. It provides the student with critical, need-to-know information, which can be utilized in a myriad of situations and stresses the ‘you don’t know what you don’t know’ principle as well as our own principle of “Simplicity Under Stress”. The course is 2 days in length with a total of 16 hours of classroom work to include slide presentations, videos, question and answer sessions and hands-on practical skills application. A manual and all training aids will be provided.