Level 2: Defensive Handgun

Two days of combined classroom and range instruction, teaching the armed citizen or entry-level police officer the techniques of defensive handgunning. 

Classroom topics for Level 2: Defensive Handgun include:

  • Gun Safety and Range Safety
  • Legal Considerations in Use of Deadly Force
  • Crime Awareness and Pre-Attack Indicators
  • Aftermath Issues (Interacting with Police)
  • Role Play Interacting with Police 

Range Instruction for Defensive Handgun includes:

  • Defensive Draw Stroke
  • Defensive Draw Stroke from Concealment
  • Handgun Accuracy Relating to Self Defense
  • Malfunctions and Speed Reloading
  • One Handed Shooting
  • Low Light Shooting
  • Moving and Shooting
  • Shooting at Moving Targets
  • Shoot-Don’t Shoot Scenarios

*Mon/Tues June 23-24 overlaps the first two days of Weeklong Handgun.*

Prerequisite: This is a Level 2 class. Students entering this class should be proficient with drawing from a holster. Please consult the course descriptions for the Level 1 classes Intro to HandgunsHandgun Fundamentals and Familiarization, and Concealed Carry 101 before enrolling in Defensive Handgun. While students are welcome to start their training with the Firearms Academy of Seattle, Inc. at Level Two, they must have a firm grasp and understanding of the curriculum of our Level One courses. Our Level 1 Curriculum is designed so if you are looking for a 2-day class, but aren't ready for Defensive Handgun, you can take Intro to Handguns paired with Concealed Carry 101 on the same weekend or separately. Handgun Fundamentals is a bridge class between Intro to Handguns and Concealed Carry 101 for students who want more practice and instruction before beginning to work from a holster.

Student will be required to present a state-issued license to carry a concealed handgun, military or police identification or other form of background check the morning of the first day of class. 

Women who are pregnant or nursing may not participate in live-fire training, due to risks from lead exposure and loud noise. Student must supply own handgun and other gear as specified in equipment list below.

$100 discount for retakes. Must register by phone to receive discount.

Level 2: Defensive Handgun Equipment List:

  1. Your own handgun of .380 caliber or larger.
  2. A minimum of 4 magazines, 6+ for single stack or reduced capacity guns, plus a belt holder or pouch for 1-2 of them.
  3. A belt holster suitable for concealed carry, which allows one handed re-holstering and prevents the muzzle from pointing at student’s own body while re-holstering. Appendix carry holsters are not allowed for range training.
  4. 400 rounds of full metal jacket (FMJ) ammunition.
  5. Ear protection and wrap-around safety glasses (eye protection).
  6. A billed baseball cap.
  7. Push-button activated flashlight.
  8. A pen and notebook.
  9. Your lunch and beverages--we will eat during classroom lecture.

This class is also available in a 5-Day Weeklong Handgun format which pairs our Defensive Handgun and Level 3: Tactical Handgun classes with the Special Interest Seminar Wounded/Downed Defender and a run at the FAS Handgun Master Test.

Event Event Date Event End Date Individual Price Register
Level 2: Defensive Handgun 04-05-2025 9:00 am 04-06-2025 5:00 pm $525.00
Level 2: Defensive Handgun 06-23-2025 9:00 am 06-24-2025 5:00 pm $525.00
Level 2: Defensive Handgun 09-06-2025 9:00 am 09-07-2025 5:00 pm $525.00
Level 2: Defensive Handgun 11-15-2025 9:00 am 11-16-2025 9:00 am $525.00

Venue Information - Firearms Academy Range

Please note that this is a private range.  There is no public access, other than for scheduled classes / events.  Contact us for driving directions, information about the range, or lodging recommendations.

Registration Policy