Please read the class description and prerequisites carefully and confirm your schedule before completing this online purchase, which constitutes your class registration. Registering for an F.A.S. class constitutes an agreement to attend the class in which you enroll.

After your class confirmation letter is sent, tuition payments are not refundable, but those funds may be applied to a future class with at least one week’s advanced notification. Emergencies are handled on a case-by-case basis. Call with questions 360-978-6100 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Tuesday-Friday or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Level 1: Intro to Handguns

09-21-2024 10:00 am -6:00 pm

(Starting Point Class) - Intro to Handguns is the start to our handgun curriculum and is the required pre-req for Handgun Fundamentals and Concealed Carry 101. These other Level 1 classes require students to have their own handgun and are paired with an Intro on the same weekend to allow students the opportunity to create their own 2 day class. Our other entry point into our handgun curriculum is Defensive Handgun which is required for all of our higher level handgun classes. (See Full List)

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Level 1: Handgun Fundamentals & Familiarization

09-22-2024 9:00 am -5:00 pm

Continuing where our Level 1: Intro to Handguns class left off, this class focuses on marksmanship fundamentals and manipulations of defensive handguns. We will be working from the bench so a holster is not required. This class is for those students who want a refresher or to get more familiar with basic manipulations and fundamentals before continuing their training. We will be on the range for the majority of class focusing on safety, handgun manipulations, accuracy, and other skills that will prepare students for future classes.

Topics of instruction include: Firearms safety, types of handguns, loading and unloading, reloads, eye dominance, stance, grip, sight alignment, trigger control, follow through, presentation from ready positions. Lunch lecture will be on holster and gear selection for carry or training.


Level 3: Active Shooter Interdiction

10-05-2024 9:00 am - 10-06-2024 5:00 pm

This class is specifically geared to prepare students for the possibility of defending against an active shooter in an urban environment and will involve shooting exercises designed to test skills necessary for active shooter interdiction, along with force on force training to prepare the armed citizen to be able to respond as effectively as possible if they ever have to face an armed assailant bent on shooting numerous victims.


Level 3: Tactical Handgun

10-12-2024 9:00 am - 10-13-2024 5:00 pm

This 2-day course picks up where Level 2: Defensive Handgun leaves off and goes more in depth into aspects of concealed carry and home defense.


Level 4: Advanced Defensive Handgun

10-18-2024 9:00 am - 10-20-2024 5:00 pm

Advanced Defensive Handgun completes our core handgun curriculum and gives students an opportunity to do more scenario based training including force on force with airsoft. Registration in this class requires the successful completion of Level 2 Defensive Handgun and Level 3 Tac Handgun. (See Full List)


Level 2: Defensive Handgun

11-09-2024 9:00 am - 11-10-2024 5:00 pm

(Starting Point Class) - Defensive Handgun is the required pre-req for Level 3 Tac Handgun, Level 3 Active Shooter, and the Handgun Special Interest Seminars. (See Full List)


Shot Placement Seminar

11-16-2024 9:00 am -6:00 pm

We live in a three-dimensional world. Unfortunately, most firearms training is not designed for that. Real life violence does not always present itself with a textbook shot that is most often practiced on a static range.

In this FAS seminar we’ll go beyond ‘Center Mass’ to teach you more about proper shot placement, as well as shot angles. Anatomical considerations and the mechanism of bullet damage will also be discussed. You’ll be put into shooting drill scenarios that will help you understand where your bullets need to hit to be effective.

From conversational distances out to the practical limits of an attack, you’ll learn where to place your rounds to get your adversary to stop as quickly as possible.


Level 1: Intro to Handguns

11-16-2024 10:00 am -6:00 pm

(Starting Point Class) - Intro to Handguns is the start to our handgun curriculum and is the required pre-req for Handgun Fundamentals and Concealed Carry 101. These other Level 1 classes require students to have their own handgun and are paired with an Intro on the same weekend to allow students the opportunity to create their own 2 day class. Our other entry point into our handgun curriculum is Defensive Handgun which is required for all of our higher level handgun classes. (See Full List)


Handgun Ballistics Seminar

11-17-2024 9:00 am -6:00 pm

Do you know the capabilities of your chosen defensive ammunition if you’re forced to defend your life? Have you tested it through your defensive handgun? At FAS we believe a good hollow point that expands well and has enough penetration is the key, regardless of the caliber. At this unique seminar we’ll test your bullet’s accuracy, velocity, penetration, expansion, and weight retention. You’ll get a chance to chronograph your defensive ammunition, and test it through different barriers and several testing mediums including ballistic gelatin.

The development of defensive handgun ammunition has improved significantly over the years, but not all bullets are created equally. Different rounds can perform better or worse than others through different test mediums. In this one-day seminar students get firsthand experience on terminal ballistics by putting their chosen handgun/ammunition combo to the test and comparing it with others in the class to see how they perform.

The FBI ammunition protocol, and alternative testing theories and methods will be discussed to give you a better understanding of the effectiveness of handgun ammunition. We’ll also challenge you with several high standard shooting drills to see if your skills with your concealed carry gun is up to the task.


Level 1: Concealed Carry 101

11-17-2024 9:00 am -5:00 pm

Concealed Carry 101 was born out of the need to quickly and efficiently get students "up and running" with self-defense and concealed carry handgun skills. We frequently pair this class on a weekend with our Level 1: Intro to Handguns class, which is the mandatory pre-requisite for this class, to give students an opportunity to train for an entire weekend.