Please read the class description and prerequisites carefully and confirm your schedule before completing this online purchase, which constitutes your class registration. Registering for an F.A.S. class constitutes an agreement to attend the class in which you enroll.
After your class confirmation letter is sent, tuition payments are not refundable, but those funds may be applied to a future class with at least one week’s advanced notification. Emergencies are handled on a case-by-case basis. Call with questions 360-978-6100 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Tuesday-Friday or email
(Starting Point Class) - Intro to Handguns is the start to our handgun curriculum and is the required pre-req for Handgun Fundamentals and Concealed Carry 101. These other Level 1 classes require students to have their own handgun and are paired with an Intro on the same weekend to allow students the opportunity to create their own 2 day class. Our other entry point into our handgun curriculum is Defensive Handgun which is required for all of our higher level handgun classes. (See Full List)
Concealed Carry 101 was born out of the need to quickly and efficiently get students "up and running" with self-defense and concealed carry handgun skills. We frequently pair this class on a weekend with our Level 1: Intro to Handguns class, which is the mandatory pre-requisite for this class, to give students an opportunity to train for an entire weekend.
This 2-day course picks up where Level 2: Defensive Handgun leaves off and goes more in depth into aspects of concealed carry and home defense.
Advanced Defensive Handgun completes our core handgun curriculum and gives students an opportunity to do more scenario based training including force on force with airsoft. Registration in this class requires the successful completion of Level 2 Defensive Handgun and Level 3 Tac Handgun. (See Full List)
(Starting Point Class) - Defensive Handgun is the required pre-req for Level 3 Tac Handgun, Level 3 Active Shooter, and the Handgun Special Interest Seminars. (See Full List)